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  • The children of Kikuho Land are full of vigor after eating Doll Festival “hina-arare” (a kind of Japanese cracker)


The children of Kikuho Land are full of vigor after eating Doll Festival “hina-arare” (a kind of Japanese cracker)

March 3rd is the Doll’s Festival. Children at Kikuho Land, the in-house daycare center are given traditional Japanese crackers as a snack. The crackers come in 3 colors, white represents the snow-covered earth while green represents the buds of trees and red, blood the color of life. Having tucked into all the crackers we feel sure the children will be healthy and full of energy this year!

Oh! What could be wrong?

Oh! What could be wrong?

「Itadakimasu」As expected of big brother!

「Itadakimasu」As expected of big brother!

The children made their own dolls by taking hand and footprints.

The children made their own dolls by taking hand and footprints.