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  • Study session on “DX” (Digital Transformation) for all employees


Study session on “DX” (Digital Transformation) for all employees

We are promoting the use of digital technology not only in our administrative departments but also in our manufacturing sites. We have provided tablets to all employees on the manufacturing sites who do not have their own personal computers, so that they can use groupware and chat systems, and we are actively working to increase productivity and improve business processes.

In order to accelerate this movement within the company, the members of the Digital Innovation Lab organized a study session on what DX is, the movement of DX in the shipping industry, and our company’s efforts. It was a valuable time with a question and answer session.

Of course, “digitization” is not the final goal. We will continue to learn and practice toward the goal of using digital technology to transform the way we work into something better.

Conducted in small groups for each department

Conducted in small groups for each department

Bring the tablet provided and check the content of the presentation

Bring the tablet provided and check the content of the presentation