A surprisingly large harvest! The children of Kikuho Land tried their hand at digging for sweet potatoes!
The sweet potato field at the Toyoura Plant (Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture) was ready for harvesting, and children from the in-house nursery “Kikuholand” tried their hand at digging for potatoes. The field is located on our daily walking course. The children had been looking forward to this day, seeing the leaves growing rapidly. At first, they were hesitant to touch the soil, but they helped each other and were able to harvest a lot.
Found a praying mantis!!! Please touch it gently.
Praying mantis are cute, but I don’t want to touch the soil!
If we work together, we can do it!
We got sweet potatoes!
The girl on the left: Well done!
I’m still small, so let’s crawl on the grass.
Am I going to do it too?
You caught a lot of potatoes!