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  • Sweet potatoes were harvested in the fields of Kikuholand!


Sweet potatoes were harvested in the fields of Kikuholand!

Children from the in-house nursery “Kikuholand” dug sweet potatoes. 6 months have passed since they planted seedlings in the field on the grounds of Toyoura Plant. They watered the field every day and looked forward to harvesting the potatoes.

According to the nursery teacher, “The quantity is small this year, but each one is big!” The harvested potatoes are used as snacks for the children and taken home as souvenirs for their mothers and fathers.

Watching the teacher's example,

Watching the teacher’s example, “This is how you pull it out”.

Wow, there's a lot of potatoes!

Wow, there’s a lot of potatoes!

Little children were assisted by older children.

Little children were assisted by older children.

“Look! I got a big one!”

“I took it too.” (That’s shoes, though.)

Let's all enjoy the tasty potatoes!

Let’s all enjoy the tasty potatoes!