Setsubun Event! Oni have come to Kikuholand!
At JRCS’ in-house nursery “Kikuho-land”, children took part in the Japanese yearly tradition “Setsubun”.
Setsubun which means “seasonal divide”, and it recognizes the changing of the seasons from winter to spring. It is celebrated in accordance with the Japanese lunar calendar, and it generally occurs at the beginning of February.
It is custom to drive away evil spirits during this time by throwing roasted soybeans at demons (usually a family member wearing a demon mask) while chanting oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi! (Devils out, good fortune in!)
Parents playing the role of demons excitedly!
They are nervously waiting for the attack of the demons.
oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!
To repay for surprising the kids, the demons sang the “demon’s pants song”.
Thanks for the beanbags! Look forward to next year!