JRCS presented the initiatives at the 2022 Monozukuri DX Trial Demonstration Project Session!
In mid-March, a session was held to report the results of the “Monozukuri DX Trial Demonstration Project,” a project subsidized by Yamaguchi Prefecture. Adopted companies, including JRCS, took presented the results of the initiatives.
The “Monozukuri DX Trial Demonstration Project” is a project in which Yamaguchi Prefecture subsidizes demonstration projects so that manufacturers can utilize AI, drones, and other digital technologies to improve productivity and create new products and services.
We received support for a demonstration project to robotize the transportation of materials in the factory. Before the robotization, heavy materials were transported manually using carts and other tools, and the total distance traveled was a staggering 6 to 7 kilometers every day. This meant that manufacturing operations had to be interrupted and time had to be allocated to transport the materials, which was reducing overall productivity.
In this demonstration project, we aimed to run AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicle) between the warehouse and the manufacturing line to reduce heavy human labor and improve work efficiency. In the future, we intend to continue the challenge of collaborating with robots to transport large items, and even to create smart factories in the future.
The report will be posted on the Yamaguchi Prefecture website and YouTube at a later date.
The session was streamed live online.
The introduction of AGVs was of great interest to participants, who asked a number of questions.