Produced a video for managers to promote the use of the “Childcare Leave System”
The Human Resources & General Affairs Department has released a 15-minute video titled “About Childcare Leave (Manager Version)” for our managers.
Our basic policy is to “support children’s learning and growth”. The Human Resources & General Affairs Section planned the production of a video in order to “create a corporate culture that supports employees’ families and childcare. The HR members explained the childcare leave system, key points of legal revisions, and what managers should do when employees take childcare leave.
The manager who watched the video commented, “Unlike seminars where participants gather together, I was able to watch the video at my own pace and in my own time, which was very helpful. I would like to deepen my understanding and promote the use of the system”.
The Human Resources & General Affairs Section says, “In order to promote the use of childcare leave by employees, it is important for managers to understand correctly and to manage the workplace on a daily basis so that there will be no hindrance to day-to-day operations even if employees take the leave”. We will continue to work with managers to create an environment and atmosphere that facilitates the use of maternity leave.
The video also explains the “Postpartum Father Leave” (childcare leave at birth), which was newly established as a result of a legal amendment.