JRCS School was held this year under the theme of SDGs!
Several times a year, we hold “JRCS School”, seminars led by outside lecturers. It is an open learning opportunity in which any employee is free to participate if interested.
This year, a professor from the National Fisheries University has been invited to give a series of five lectures under the theme of SDGs: Protecting the Abundance of the Sea. The first lecture, given by Professor Noboru Murase of the Department of Biological Production, was held recently and attended by about 60 employees.
Using the theme of “sea grasses/seaweeds”, Professor Murase explained the difference between the two and the diverse types of each. He also said, “There are few opportunities to learn about sea grasses and seaweeds in school classes or at home. Having an interest in marine plants and organisms is the first step toward preserving the richness of the sea.
[Following Lecture Topics]
Part 2: What is a “seaweed bed”?
Part 3: Current status and conservation of seaweed beds in Yamaguchi Prefecture
Part 4 and 5: Seaweed cultivation makes the sea lively
Many employees are highly interested in the SDGs.
Professor Murase from the National Fisheries University