JRCS CDO will join at Mixed Reality Utilization Seminar Effective for Business
Our CDO will take the podium at the “Mixed Reality Utilization Seminar Effective for Business”.
30th August 2018
On Thursday, 6th September 2018 the “Mixed Reality Utilization Seminar Effective for Business”
will take place, co-sponsored by the Mitemo Corporation and the Datamesh Corporation, at the Japan Microsoft Office in Shinagawa.
The seminar of the day will begin with a keynote lecture by Microsoft Japan introducing a case by a Mixed Reality solution provider with the opportunity to experience a demonstration of the Mixed reality device, HoloLens.
Included in the seminar will be a lecture, given by JRCS Digital Innovation LAB CDO (Chief Digital Officer), which is advancing the digital transformation of our company, on the theme of the “Utilization of Mixed Reality in the maritime and marine industries.
This will be an introduction of the business that we are actually involved in and the efforts of inner communication to bridge the gap between employee awareness and our current direction.
For details of the seminar please click the link below!
●For details of the seminar please click the link below!
seminar flyer
●Seminar introduction site.