Revolutionizing Learning The Industry’s first XR next-generation digital solution INFINITY Training
In April last year, the “JRCS Digital Innovation LAB” project was launched to promote the working style of shipping and the marine industry.
In addition to promoting remote training and commercialization of remote maintenance solutions for shipping and marine industry operators, we are working on establishing solutions that anticipate future automated navigation of ships. This time, an online training system known as INFINITY Training using cutting-edge XR technology will go on offer.
Currently, our training center in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture offers training mainly for mariners, but due to time and distance, it is particularly difficult for overseas customers to attend.
Therefore, online training using Mixed Reality technology that can combine the real world and digital technology has been developed, making it possible to take training anytime, anywhere.
From the 1st of April, High Voltage System Training will go on offer in the form of INFINITY Training. This course consists of three programs, “Self Learning”, “Self Training” and “Virtual Face to Face (VF2F)”. XR technology reproduces a High Voltage Switchboard and equipment necessary to carry out the basics of High Voltage Switchboard handling to the actual work, followed by final examination leading to receiving technical certification over one or more boundaries.
It is also the first STCW-compliant training program using XR technology that has received class certification.
① Self Learning
Programs to learn the basics of high-voltage switchboards with the right expertise
② Self Training
A program where actual work experience can be repeated with XR technology
③ Virtual Face to Face(VF2F)
A program in which skills can be learned while interacting with a lecturer in a virtual space
It has always been commonplace for training to be carried out at a training center, but it is now possible to carry out training in a virtual space of your choosing. Making full use of the latest XR technology, equipment appears in front of you making training possible in a meeting room or even at your home. In addition to reducing training costs and travel time, you can improve lifestyle quality by making better use of limited time and focusing on more important tasks. Making use of cutting-edge digital technology and co-creating new values with all partners to realize our mission of creating a smile on the faces of people all over the world.
[ Release information ]
Offer start date: April 1, 2019
Service Name: INFINITY Training
[ Contact Us ]
JRCS Co. Ltd.
Digital Innovation LAB Okabe
TEL: 083-261-0212
Please call between the hours of: 08:30 – 17:30 (weekdays only)
For all enquiries please contact
JRCS Corporation Corporate Planning Office Public Relations Team